Delivery & Collection
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Delivery FAQs
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Orders & Payments
Placing Orders
Placing OrdersCan I cancel or make changes to my order?
I need to cancel my order
Once you've placed your order, the order starts going through the system straight away, so that we can get it to you as fast as possible.
Depending on the status of your order, we may be able to cancel it for you. Please contact Customer Service within 30 minutes of placing your order so that we can check this further for you.
If your order has been shipped or starting going through our automated fulfilment process we will not be able to cancel your order. Please see our returns policy for details on how to return your order once received.
I need to change the address
We cannot change your delivery address after you’ve placed your order.
If you are not going to be home to accept the delivery, please note that some of our delivery partners will deliver to your neighbours or leave your parcel in a designated safe location around your property. You can use the ‘Click to track order’ button on your ‘Order shipped’ email to see if the delivery partner offers these services.
If this is not an option please contact Customer Service and we will let our delivery partner know to return your order back to our warehouse for a full refund (This can take up to 14 days). If you still want your order you will need to place the order again.
I need to change my order
We will not be able to retrospectively update your email address if this was entered wrong whilst checking out, sadly we will not be able to send email to you about this order. During cases where you need to change your email address (as a result of a typo or if you have changed your email address) we recommend you create a new login with with your new/correct email address.
Also, once an order has been submitted we cannot make any changes, this includes:
- Adding or removing items
- Changing colours or sizes
- Changing the delivery options
- Applying promotional discounts
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